Thursday, January 29, 2009

Water Births for a Natural Comfortable Child Birth

One of the obstetricians who has made the greatest difference to our view of birth today is Michel Odent. At his unit at Pithivier near Paris in the 1980s he propounded many aspects of natural birth that are widely used today.

When you stop to think for a moment, giving birth in water is very natural. The baby has been living and growing in a confined space and in a fluid environment for the previous nine months. When it is born, the space constriction is removed, the watery environment is removed, and the force of gravity comes into play. How much gentler is it to remove the space constrictions but keep the watery environment and therefore mitigate the force of gravity for a while.

People sometimes worry that the baby will start to breathe while it is still under the water, but in fact it’s the stimulation and shock of the air in the lungs that causes the infant to take its first breath.

From the mother’s point of view, giving birth in water can be more comfortable. The beneficial effect of the water is most helpful if the birthing pool is not used for too long; probably for about two hours. Usually a mother will enter the pool when she is about 5cms dilated, and the effect can be quite dramatic in terms of speeding up labour and increased comfort.

If there is delay in cutting the cord, the baby is still receiving oxygen through its blood via the placenta, so the fact that a few seconds or a minute are used to make its entry into the world more gradual and gentle in no way compromises its health and wellbeing.

Most maternity units these days will have a birthing pool, and you request its use when you ring to say that the baby is on its way so it’s filled ready for you when you arrive. Birthing pools can also be hire for home use, which is arguably the best way of giving birth. You can also buy one off ebay. It’s a good idea to test a home birth pool before you go into labour to make sure the pump and the heating element is working properly.

Modern birth pools are comfortable and strong, maintaining an even temperature of the water. It’s possible to lean forward on the side of the pool, to squat, to kneel, or to be on all fours, which the mother finds most comfortable.

Water births tie in beautifully with some of the methods of giving birth today which are growing in popularity such as Hypnosis for Childbirth, giving a birth experience that is more natural, comfortable, calm and gentle, both for the mother and for the baby.

By : Katharine Graves

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Top 7 Tips to Relieve Heel Pain

Time may heal all wounds. But it takes much more time to heal a heel. Perhaps the biggest mistake that people make is thinking that heel pain is eventually going to go away on its own. Sometimes they wait as long as six months before deciding that they need to see a doctor. But unlike other parts of the body, the foot is weight-bearing, so when the heel is injured, the inflammation persists. Your heel can hurt for any number of reasons. Perhaps the most common is inflammation or tearing of the plantar fascia, a band of fibrous connective tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot from the heel bone across the arch to the toes. This condition, known as plantar fasciitis, can cause pain that radiates from the heel to other parts of the foot. Heel pain can also caused by everything from poorly fitting shoes to biomechanical problems when you walk or run. Conditions such as tendinitis and rheumatoid arthritis can aggravate the heel as well. Here are some tips that you can consider to adopt to relieve your heel pain.

1. Loosen Up

A tight heel cord can cause pain in the heel and the arch. Stretching it can relieve a lot of pain and sometimes even make other treatment unnecessary. It is recommended to try out this exercise. Stand at arm’s length from a wall. Place your palms on the wall, shoulder-width apart. Step back with your right foot, bending your left knee slightly. Lean toward the wall and drop your right heel to the ground. You will feel some pull or tightness in the back of your right calf. If it is too uncomfortable, move closer to the wall, bringing your right foot in a little bit. Hold the stretch for a count of 10, then switch legs. Repeat the exercise 5 to 10 times per leg. As you do this exercise, be sure not to bounce on your heel. You want a gradual, gentle stretch. Tugging or sudden pulling can injure the tissue.

2. Opt For Orthotics

Orthotics are custom-fitted shoe inserts that can ease your heel pain and perhaps fix the problem that is causing it. Some heel problems have biomechanical origins. Because the foot is not functioning properly, certain parts of it such as the heel have to work harder, which causes them to hurt. A prescription orthotic, given by a doctor, can correct the condition.

3. Mend With Medicine

A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) such as ibuprofen can help reduce any inflammation. Ask your doctor or pharmacist to recommend one.

4. Replace Them Often

A shoe that is worn out won’t give your heel the support and shock absorption it needs. You should evaluate a shoe as you would a tire. If the tread goes down or wears out on one side, it is time for a new pair.

5. Go A Little Higher

If you have plantar fasciitis, a heel – raiser may provide some relief. This device, which is sold over the counter in drugstores, inserts in your shoe and raises your heel by 1/8 to 1/4 inch. This takes some of the pressure off the point where the plantar fascia inserts into the heel. This means the plantar fascia has to work less.

6. Run Hot And Cold

Use cold treatments for the first 48 hours after the heel pain starts. It is recommended to simply massaging your heel with an ice cube for 5 to 7 minutes, until the area becomes numb. You can do this three to four times a day or as needed.

7. Cushion Your Heel

A heel cushion provides support and protection, which can relieve pain and swelling. This device is available in drugstores, both over the counter and by prescription. There are many kinds, too, from doughnut-shaped to cup-shaped. Which type of cushion you should use depends on the nature of your condition as well as other factors. For this reason, you may want to talk to your doctor or pharmacist before purchasing one.

By : Raymond Lee

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You've Got Osteoporosis. What Do You Do?

Osteoporosis, a degenerative disease, is not something that anyone wants to experience. In order to reverse the effects that osteoporosis can have on the body, it is important to know what the signs of this serious condition are. Here is an overview of the symptoms of osteoporosis, as well as what you can do once you notice that they are affecting you.

The most important thing that you should keep in mind is that osteoporosis symptoms often remain hidden until it is too late. In a lot of situations, the first and only sign of osteoporosis is a bone fracture. This can happen to the wrist, hip or spine and can occur for numerous reasons. However, some people do experience some symptoms related to osteoporosis before this happens.

One of the main symptoms of osteoporosis is a change in the spine. This is what causes people who have osteoporosis to look shorter and bent over. While it is perfectly normal for height to slightly decline when people grow older, no more than one inch should be lost. If this does happen, it is a common symptom indicating a person may be experiencing osteoporosis.

Another one of the osteoporosis symptoms that you should watch out for is back pain. There is a strong possibility that this may be an indicator of a back fracture. Back pain also is known to occur when the body begins to curve over. If this is something that you have experiencing, it is best to visit your doctor to schedule a test for osteoporosis.

Note that osteoporosis is a condition that is more likely to affect you as you get older, and so if you are, say, over 50, you should be extra vigilant for observing for symptoms of osteoporosis. But it is also possible for younger people to experience osteoporosis too. So don't assume that if you're younger you are immune from osteoporosis symptoms, be prepared to be vigilant all of your life.

Keep in mind that there are a number of different ways to naturally prevent or treat the symptoms of osteoporosis. Although the amount of bone density that you lose cannot be entirely treated, the effects of osteoporosis can be reversed and further prevented. Some of the ways for this to happen include eating a well balanced diet, staying active and taking supplements for Calcium and Vitamin D.

Osteoporosis symptoms are not something to take lightly. This health condition is very serious and if you believe that you may have it, it is best to talk to a doctor about it. Determining the causes and finding a treatment option is very important to overcoming this degenerative health condition. If you begin to notice any symptoms of osteoporosis, you also may want to implement these natural prevention and treatment methods into your life.

And there are companies, one in particular, which are producing highly effective natural and organic treatments for osteoporosis, so if you're experiencing some of the symptoms of osteoporosis then there are natural treatments available. It isn't always necessary to turn to drugs.

By : Peter Clark

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Herbal and Natural Aids Cure Hiv

The word HIV/AIDS is so threatening that it had created a fear in the mind of the people. This is a deadly disease where the people are knowingly or unknowingly getting addicted to it. Many innocent people are becoming victims to this disease.

The medications which are curable with no harm and side effects that is the dietary supplements. So ultimately you have chosen a right place for your medications which are tried, tested and the proven ones with no side effects and no harm.

When we see the stats of the chronic diseases like aids, cancer and others are increasing in number than decreasing. This happens due to these main things that are improper diet, lack of nutrition, breathing impure air, having junk foods, getting addicted to the bad habits and many more. The people are really not thinking of the healthy living they just want to lead the life of their wish. And this is the main reason why the man is getting affected with such chronic diseases.

More information meets: dr jack

HIV AIDS is an infectious disease which causes lots of death in the world wide. This is deadly disease where the person battles with the life and death. He fights for the survival and getting rid of the disease. But this fatal disease does not allow them to lead a life. It goes on killing the person with depression or any with other reasons.

What is HIV and AIDS?
The word HIV stands for Human Immune Deficiency Virus and AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Virus. The HIV is a viral that uses the nutrients and energy provided by the human cells to grow and reproduces to infect the human cells. AIDS is the next final stage of HIV which makes breakdowns the immune system of the human body and makes unable to fight against infections or the other illness. But sometimes it takes decade or two to turn out from HIV to AIDS if the person has started to undergo the medical care. The symptoms may not be seen for years together to some they may get it later also.

This disease can be seen even in man, woman or even children. According to the estimates of the United Nations HIV/ AIDS says that there are approximately 40 million of HIV/AIDS sufferers. But this is not getting an end at all. Day by day this disease is increasing in the people. They are getting affected with it in one or the other way. This disease has killed millions of people and have left millions of the children as orphans away from the love of parents. It has made its wide by conquering the place of the deadly diseases like malaria and tuberculosis. The wide spread of this disease in the world has made it to stand in the fourth position for the more death causes in the present generation.
The transmission of this disease is as follows:
Unprotected sexual intercourse with the positive person either vaginal or anal
Unprotected oral sex with the someone who has HIV
Sharing needles and syringes with someone who has HIV without sterilizing it
Infection during pregnancy
Mother to child in the womb
Breast feeding to the baby
From a blood transfusion from positive person to healthy person

How to prevent the disease from
Not sharing the needles and syringes which are used to inject drugs after used by a person either he may be a positive or not
Not to have sexual intercourse with many and if you have then their is an urge to use the protection condom during it
Not to have the sexual relationship with the person who has been positive.
Have a test over the blood before its transfusion
Use the sterilized or new needles
Educate yourself and try to spread about this to the people who are vulnerable about it

The utmost and bottom line is that you should treat someone with HIV or AIDS the same as anyone else. In fact, they need your friendship and support more than ever. Just think how you would feel in their place. Now a man can survive for years together after getting HIV infection. This can happen when the man starts to have medical care before they begin to get sick. Knowing that you are HIV positive you will take precautions to prevent others being affected from it. But yet the HIV is scary stuff as it has no cure, no medicine, and no vaccine to prevent AIDS. But we have to be thankfully that the virus doesn't easily enter the body from person to person. And Aids Is surely cure by herbal and natural products these are the effective and safe treatment for HIV aids.

By : Drrao

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Latest Technology’s Best Eye Treatment- Lasik Surgery

LASIK is an acronym for laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis which is an eye surgery. Lasik surgery is the most well-liked method for correcting visualization difficulties caused by refractive error, in which the eyes fail to focus light appropriately. Lasik surgery treats nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, radically decreasing and often abolishing the requirement of glasses or contact lenses.

This is the following process of Lasik surgery:
Initialy, the eye is anesthetized with use of limited anesthetic drops. Once you can't sense your eye, a small flap is formed on the surface of the cornea by means of a particular instrument known as a microkeratome which allows the surgeon to access the corneal bed.

After cautious placement of the corneal flap, a cool-beam, excimer laser restructures the cornea, shifting the eye's focal point to endow with clearer vision.
The corneal flap is then softly relocated and will begin to cure instantaneously.

In conventional Lasik surgery reforms the cornea, the part of the eye that visualizes light on the retina. In Lasik surgery, that reshaping ensues after a planned laser treatment taking into account the precise refractive error of the eye. A nearsightedness disease is corrected by flattening the cornea, while farsightedness is fixed by steepening the cornea. The concluding result of lasik eye surgery is for most patients, vision good enough that they no longer need glasses or contacts for most activities.

But in customized lasik surgery, physicians apply it to patients to reduce night vision turbulences like glare and halos. A good percentage of custom Lasik surgery recipients gain twenty by twenty visions from this method, which uses modified treatment in the form of the wavefront analyzer, which permits for a higher level of diagnostic information.

Wavefront technology begins through NASA, where it was initially used for high-powered telescopes. The wavefront analyzer generates a detailed map of your visual system twenty-five times more precise than standard lasik surgery can produce. This level of fact allows for tiny irregularities known as higher order aberrations to be incarcerated and fixed. This highly customized data which is then transferred to the laser used in your Custom lasik surgery treatment, where it will best treated for your sole vision problems.

Lasik surgery can fix up the vision of the nearsighted, the farsighted, and those with astigmatism. Once you have had your lasik surgery, you will possibly want to recommence your normal activities almost instantly, but be cautious. Whilst in lasik surgery, you should still pursue this rough timeline before you jump back into your normal activities.

By : Ventura Eye Institute

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Friday, January 23, 2009

What are the Characteristics of Healthy Skin and Antiaging?

Tell me, does this describe you? What are the characteristics of healthy skin that you can see and the functions that it performs, of which you are unaware? Here, we take a look at the answer. Paying attention to your skin's appearance is not a matter of being vain. It is like a window to what it going on inside of the body.

Many diseases and health problems cause changes in the skin's appearance. If you pay attention to how your face looks in the mirror every day, you may be able to spot the telltale signs of poor diet, poor health, too much stress and the outward signs of age.

So, first we must answer; what are the characteristics of healthy skin. Ideally, it will be firm and blemish free. The pigmentation will be even, although the appearance of freckles or moles is not necessarily unhealthy. In most cases they are genetic. But, any changes in the appearance of moles or freckles should be reported to your doctor.

The pigmentation or color that you see varies among populations and is caused by melanin producing cells. Melanin contains DNA repair enzymes that reverse UV damage. People who like these enzymes experience high rates of skin cancer.

Areas of hyper-pigmentation, sometimes referred to as age spots, are a sign of overexposure to UV rays from the sun. Small amounts of exposure to the sun are healthy and necessary for the skin to synthesize vitamin D, one of the skin's functions that go on without you being aware of it. Over-exposure, spending hours and hours in sunlight without protection, causes damage on a molecular level that will eventually hasten the appearance of wrinkles and lost firmness.

What are the characteristics of healthy skin that are lost due to age? Actually, it may be possible to delay wrinkles and other signs of aging. The cause of them is free radical damage. If you are under the age of 40 and you look older than other people in your age group, the health of your inner body has also been affected.

The most likely causes are stress, chronic inflammation, overexposure to environmental toxins like smoke and poor diet, including a chronic lack of antioxidants. Other dietary factors include eating too many inflammatory foods, primarily they are red meat and pork, but corn can cause inflammation, as well.

What are the characteristics of healthy skin in your youth? Although there are varying degrees of "color", red patches indicate exposure to an irritating substance, as do rashes. Fine hair will be present all over the face and the body, except on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet where there are no hair follicles.

The follicles serve many functions, as well. But, that's a subject for another article.

Make no mistake about it. Even if you feel that your skin is oily, you should use a nourishing cream after cleansing. This protects the skin's health and appearance. Hopefully, this article answered some of your questions about what are the characteristics of healthy skin, although there's always more to learn.

If you feel that you'd like to learn more about little known but clinically tested natural ingredients that are used for treating aging skin, visit my website today.

By : Laurel Levine

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How to Get a Good Nights Sleep

For many centuries it has been known that a good night's sleep does not happen by chance. Sleeping well depends on a series of factors beyond just controlling anxiety and stress. These are known collectively as sleep hygiene.

Effective sleep hygiene amounts to a way of life. It includes getting regular exercise at the right time of the day. Exercise during the morning or afternoon can help one to be drowsy at bedtime. But working out close to bedtime can interfere with sleep.

Exciting films or engrossing reading material can also have a stimulating effect. Before going to bed, it may be better to read something relaxing, listen to soothing music, or take a warm bath.

Experts say that you can teach your brain to associate bed with sleep by lying down only when you really mean to sleep. People who eat, study, work, watch TV, or play video games in bed may find it harder to fall asleep.

Preparing the body for restful sleep also involves watching your diet. While alcoholic drinks make a person feel drowsy, they can actually impair sleep quality. Coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, and cola-based drinks should be avoided at night because they are stimulants. On the other hand, small quantities of mango, sweet potato, banana, persimmon, palm cabbage, rice, bean sprouts, or nuts stimulate the production of serotonin and can thus be sleep-inducing. A word of warning: Eating a heavy meal late at night can be as harmful to sleep as going to bed on an empty stomach.

Exercise, reading, and a light snack may improve the quality of sleep

Just as important as our presleep routine is the environment in which we sleep. A pleasant temperature, a dark and noise-free room, and a comfortable mattress and pillows are an invitation to a good night's sleep. In fact, with so much comfort, it may be hard to get up the next morning. But remember, staying in bed longer than necessary, even on the weekend, can disturb your sleep pattern and make it harder for you to sleep the following night.

Surely, you would not purposely harm any of your vital organs. Sleep is just as vital, a part of life that should not be neglected or underestimated. After all, a third of our life is spent sleeping. Can you improve your sleeping habits? Why not start tonight!

By : Ruel Hinaloc

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Stop Smoking Tips - Here is Some Help to Break the Habit

It's hard to quit smoking. It gives a high feeling to those who enjoy it and smokers suppose it relieves stress. Because ill effects will not be clear in the early stages makes it even more difficult to quit. There is no better time to quit than now. Though we know that the majority of smokers enter the cycle of breaking the habit for a few days and then turning back to the habit after experiencing the withdrawal symptoms, hope must not be given up. Breaking the habit can be done. But, this is faster said than done. It seems impossible but, yes you can succeed. Below are some easy tips that can lead you to break the habit.

First, you need find the motivation to help you get started. There is some large variety to choose from. But, we are not required to look far outside to get one. Look inside our homes, and our family. You can certainly imagine how depressed your close ones will be to see you feel the negative effect of your smoking habit. Imagine their loss if you die prematurely related to the adverse effects of your your smoking habit. Without to mention that unconsciously, you are exposing them first hand to the same hazards you are being subjected. Now, think about them getting sick because of your habit… Certainly you don’t like that to occur.

Nicotine is the principal components of cigarettes. This is what addicts us to cigarettes. Studies have shown that it is poisonous and addictive in its basal form. That’s another thing that we should look deep into. We are injecting poison in our organs. Isn’t that suicide? So whenever you smoke, think that it is just like swallowing arsenic in a smaller dosage. Different forms, both are poison.

You must also set your goals realistically. You can not stop smoking in just a blink of an eye. Gradual reduction is a good way. One to two cigarettes per day is proof of a strong start. You must not fool yourself thinking that you can stop instantaneously (even if that's possible). You will experience mental torture so be patient. Now just think about the rewards if you succeed to pull this one through.

It really is tough to fight the habit, but we should not give up and just fail to to the temptation. Though smoking sometimes feel good, being healthy actually feels better. So to all of the victims of this stick poison, quit smoking now!

By : Thomas Leroy

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Cancer and Genetics, is There Really a Connection?

We all believe that genetics play an important part in why there is so much cancer nowadays. When one is informed the reason they’ve got cancer was because of genetics they have a feeling of despair and helplessness and that it was all because of whom they were descended from and bad luck. The facts are that this information might not be true and that blaming faulty genes passed down from your parents or grandparents for your cancer is but an excuse to cover up the ignorance of the real cause.

Human genes have not significantly changed for thousands of years so why would they suddenly change now and kill tens of thousands of people. If your doctor has told you that your cancer has been caused by your faulty genes, those changes in your genes have more typically been triggered by a combination of nutritional deficiencies, toxins in your environment, your sedentary lifestyle and emotional conflict. Those are the real and only causes of cancer.

If cancer was transmitted essentially through genes, the cancer rate among adopted children would be the same as their natural parents. It is not, and it was found to be habits from the adoptive parents which brought on cancer. Also genetically identical twins who share every single gene in their bodies usually do not share the risk of developing cancer. These studies showed that lifestyle is fundamentally involved in people who get cancer.

Cancer is a modern day problem; it has been steadily climbing over the last 100 years. It was exceptionally rare prior to that. Also cancer is not evenly distributed around the world as there is very little of it in undeveloped countries so their genes aren’t changing.

So called genetics are nothing more that bad habits passed down from one generation to the next. Who are our teachers in life, it’s our parents, so any bad habits they had we more that likely adopt. For instance its been proven that overweight people who smoke and drink, which are all known contributing factors in causing cancer, will more than likely pass those bad habits down to their offspring. Remember any genetic disposition can be broken by making changes to your lifestyle, which will automatically lessen your risk of getting the disease.

To avoid cancer if your family has a history of the problem, simply remove from your lifestyle many of the known factors that are causing it. It’s not our family heritage that is causing the problem of cancer, it’s the way we are living today, especially with the change in the foods we are now eating. It’s our high consumption of processed foods, our lack of healthy fresh food, the toxic substances we encounter on a daily basis, and our lack of exercise. Correct those factors and see what a difference they make to your overall health, including cancer.

What Type of Facial Skin Care Product are You Using?

Facial skin care is big business. There are so many products available that it can be overwhelming. It is important to sort through the jungle and find a product that is actually effective. This article will help you make an informed decision on your next purchase.

Many people are not aware that many of the facial skin care products on the market today contain harmful ingredients that are bad for your skin. It is important to avoid these ingredients. You are better off not using anything on your skin than using products containing these ingredients.

Now, let us briefly go over these specific things to avoid in your facial skin care program. What are parabens? These are nasty chemicals used in preservatives to give the skin care products a longer shelf life. A longer shelf life of a product could result in more profits for the cosmetic company. Parabens are so dangerous that they may cause cancer


The facial skin care product you use should also not contain any fragrances. These are not necessary in a skin cream. They are chemicals that are added to these products that do nothing but potentially harm your skin. They are absorbed into the bloodstream and could cause skin issues such as irritations and allergic reactions.

Other common ingredients to avoid in facial skin care products are alcohols such as isopropyl, methanol, ethyl, benzyl and ethanol are all bad for your skin. They will dry out your skin and cause skin irritations.

The last ingredient that you should avoid in your facial skin care routine is mineral oil. This particular ingredient makes your skin feel soft and smooth. However, it clogs your pores, which could lead to acne breakouts or other skin irritations.

Now that you know what to avoid in a facial skin care product, it is time to focus on some ingredients that are actually good for your skin. These natural substances will help boost the production of vital skin proteins that give your skin the look and feel of younger skin.

Facial skin care products should contain natural substances that help to boost the production of vital skin proteins; one of these natural ingredients is called Cynergy TK. This substance is high in functional keratin, which is a skin protein that works with other skin proteins to help reduce lines and wrinkles on your skin.

On my website, I have more information on other natural substances that help boost the natural skin proteins. These types of facial skin care products are much more effective than most of the products on the market today.

By : Tara Mathews

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